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As a child in the 1970 I loved these sandals for summer – I wore them when swimming(especially at the rocky beaches in France and Croatia

taga two in one

If I was a mother to be, I would seriously consider buying a stroller like this, that you can convert into a bike pretty easy.

neon swing

Summer just around the corner and the swing in the garden is already on a hard job. If you do not have a garden or


Walking the streets of London these days for inspiration and came across these amazing patterns at Stella McCartney. And the great Michelin man at the Bibendum

fun camping

Why does a tent have to be green or blue, when you can be a happy camper with a crafty tent like this? Have a

L´Atelier d´exercices

findings from nature

My kids love to collect things they find, it could be a stone, a branch, a plastic lid, feathers and/or a shell, I love it but some


The other day I went to a place called Arboretet – which means “a place with threes” and that it is indeed. We all fell

winter holiday

Next week will be all about the family and a lot of time in the snow – I am off for a week vacation. When

maison & objet 2012

Just returned from a inspiring and hectic weekend in Paris, one long day at M&O and one day with my dear husband cruising the streets