
sequins flowers

I haven’t found a purpose for these flowers, I might put them on a gift or set them to rest in the window. Any way

MT tape

family calendar and mt tape

For inspirational use – Nina made this great family calendar with precision and creative MT Tape, stamps and lovely handwriting. She love the concept of

spring at royal copenhagen

Maybe spring is closer than we think – love the feeling. But I still love winter when the sun shines across the snow and makes

Balloon light

long lasting party

Would love to decorate the ceiling with these long lasting balloon lamps. They make every day light a party.

Christmas bell DIY

christmas bells diy

Make your own Christmas bells out of egg trays. Cut out the small “mountains” of the tray, paint them, and sprinkle with glitter. When they

trays of land

Came across these great clays trays by Tina Marie Bentsen, a landscape of colors that make me think of Moominland.