
more cardboard

Sorry for all the cardboard, but I just could not help falling in love with this tipi. happy weekend.

neon swing

Summer just around the corner and the swing in the garden is already on a hard job. If you do not have a garden or

fun camping

Why does a tent have to be green or blue, when you can be a happy camper with a crafty tent like this? Have a

L´Atelier d´exercices

findings from nature

My kids love to collect things they find, it could be a stone, a branch, a plastic lid, feathers and/or a shell, I love it but some


The other day I went to a place called Arboretet – which means “a place with threes” and that it is indeed. We all fell

chalk beauty

The other day I went to a house warming – and look at this great work the creative people started, did not get at picture


Fastelavn – halloween without the scary stuff, a wooden pinata filled with fruits and candy, happy faces and tasty “fastelavnsboller“.

winter holiday

Next week will be all about the family and a lot of time in the snow – I am off for a week vacation. When