baby gear

cuddly fabelab

A security blanket that folds into a bird and a cuddle toy. just lovely. se more from Fabelab

HM halloween

halloween from h&m

While enjoying the last sun strokes, I have started thinking of Halloween and I am not alone. The 10 of October H&M will be launching

Wild shoes

wild feet

I know it’s almost brutal to talk about winter shoes, when the summer hardly has arrived. Any way, just wanted to show the newest wild

Chaging bag - Ida ising

changing bag

This changing bag designed by Ida Ising is simple and yet functional. When you open the bag you unfold your mobile changing table, a soft

melvin on the side

Sweet Melvin a bedside table and at the same time a subtle light when it is time to sleep. His mouth holds books and other

wooden blocks

wooden blocks

A new and beautiful interpretation of the colorful “Lego” brick – maybe it would make adults and their kids display more of their own creations

Villa malmø

caroline gomez and tove johansson

So fine as alway from Caroline Gomez. This cute little villa Malmö is made in collaboration between Caroline and Tove johansson – well done. It

more pics from blickfang

Use it as a pillow, a carpet or as a wall in the selves made rocket, where the children can invite friends over for at