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lets go shopping

The mild winter defiantly make you want to drive your bike a lot more than normally during winter, if I did not have my youngest

note book

journeys to write about

Journeys to write about, to keep as a memory, or just to keep track of it. For that I would love to use this book

omhu – with great care

I think I will start this new year “with great care” or as we say in Denmark OMHU. My friend in New York has designed

stone trolls

Some weeks ago in the kids fall holiday, we went to the summerhouse. At one of our trips, we went by this nice shop, and


Tomorrow it is all about lighted pumpkins and scary costumes – my girls have instructed me in what they would like to look like, tomorrow

traveling tracking

This pillow is just a super idea – a world map where the trips  around the world have been sewn on, with different colors. Get

framed memories

Frame your memories in old tin cans and display them. One of the great thing about a trip to the beach is the all the

spider web

made this for a Danish magasine some years ago – but at the moment it is relevant with all the spiderswebs in the garden. This

gro blinds

  Super Idea from Gro. For the parents that tuck their kids to bed in a pitch dark room this is a life saviour when