Christmas outside

new year

Ude_sidsteSpring T

The last post this year – thanks to all of you for visiting my blog – hope to see you in the new year. Sadly I finish this year with a burglary in my house just after christmas, luckily we were not home. Only replaceable things were taken and the last three month of research on my computer  – It put thing in to perspective. 
We look forward to the new year and all the new possibilities it brings.happy new year to you all.

3 thoughts on “new year”

  1. So sorry to hear you were burgaled, that’s terrible.
    All the best for 2011, I hope its a year full of happiness and surprises…

  2. That is dreadfully horrible! It feels like such a violation – to think that someone has been in your home helping themselves is as bad as the feeling of sadness that things are missing. We were burgled just after we married – and the thief stole my husband’s wedding suit, shoes and the new suitcases! {At least he was a stylish, well-dressed burglar….}. So my full sympathy – but you are quite right, it puts things in perspective, and makes you realise that things are just, well, “things” that can always be replaced.

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